market research

Drive your business forward with our world-class research capabilities

our process

Thinking in the now is not enough. Your brand needs valuable research that helps you look ahead and understand the prevailing headwinds so that you can deliver future-focused business strategies.

To achieve this, we leverage the expertise of our partners at Arlington Research, a full-service international market research company that uses the power of insight to convert first-hand data into actionable business goals that will bring your brand stories to life.

Alongside our core service offerings of B2B research, consumer research, and PR and communications research, we can drill into profiled target groups and gather invaluable insights that will position your brand as a thought leader and drive your business forward.

We offer deep expertise in supporting the development, launch, and growth of successful business brands. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies are regularly deployed to explore stakeholder perceptions, drivers of consideration and purchase, and to develop brand equity measures from core KPIs to full-scale stakeholder equity models.

The most engaging and memorable stories revolve around people. Through consumer market research we can help you better understand what is driving market trends and the mindsets of your audience. Our director-level team will help identify the questions needed to achieve your core objectives, the right consumers to generate these insights and opinions, and then deliver unique reports explaining what it all means.

B2B research doesn’t need to be dull, but it can pointless if the wrong questions are asked. We specialise in reaching out and interviewing diverse B2B audiences on a global scale. Whatever your research needs, we will help you get the most from your research investment via high-quality B2B samples, survey and questionnaire design, and insightful reporting.

If customers are a gauge for commercial success, then employees are a source of insight for your culture, attraction, and modernity. As your most-prized assets, your employees’ frustrations, sources of pride, suggestions for improvements, and overall job satisfaction can inform both your business progression and your future as an employer of choice.

We live and breathe stories. Our data-driven research helps PR, marketing, advertising, social and communication agencies, and in-house teams to bring your brand’s story to life across a variety of media channels by adding the ‘human element’ to your content. We believe evidence and insight from people should be the basis for your stories and we create every survey question with this outcome in mind.

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