Brand strategy
and development

Fortify your B2B brand story

Your brand is the essence of your company. It’s the story you tell, the promise you make to your customers, and the reason they choose you over the competition.

We specialise in crafting powerful B2B brand strategies that propel your business forward; ensuring your brand resonates with your target audience and your message is heard in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Transform from an anonymous face in the crowd to the most engaging voice in the room with Berkeley’s Storytelling Academy. Our Storytellers will take you through a six-step process that will help you transform your communications into an engaging and unforgettable narrative.

Through our accredited storytelling courses you will:

  • Discover your North Star narrative: the guiding light of your brand communications.
  • Learn the golden rules of storytelling: use the techniques of Hollywood to elevate your B2B brand.
  • Refine your brand communication strategy: discover a formula to win hearts, minds, and more exposure for your business.

See our upcoming workshop dates here or get in touch to book a bespoke session for your team.

Effective brand messaging is at the core of any successful business strategy. It needs to be clear, consistent, and impactful, articulating what you stand for and what you have to offer. We’re here to help you develop a compelling brand message that speaks directly you your ideal customers, differentiating your brand in the marketplace and driving action.

Our brand messaging services include:

  • Research and discovery: In-depth research to uncover the needs of your audience and the heart of your brand.
  • Mission and values: Define your brand’s core purpose, values, and aspirations, laying the foundation for authentic and impactful communication.
  • ToV and personality: Craft a distinctive brand voice that resonates with your customers and embodies your brand’s unique personality.
  • Brand slogans: Create memorable slogans that capture the essence of your brand and leave a lasting impression.
  • Messaging style guides: Develop comprehensive style guides that ensure consistent and effective brand communication across all channels and touchpoints.

The visual identity of your brand is often a customer’s first impression of what you offer. Our expert graphic designers and visual storytellers create striking logos, cohesive visual guidelines, and engaging brand assets that reflect your company’s personality and values.

Our brand identity services include:

  • Visual identity: Create a visually compelling and cohesive identity that engages your audience and builds trust in your brand.
  • Logo design: Develop a memorable and impactful logo that serves as the cornerstone of your brand’s visual identity.
  • Brand architecture: Organise and structure your brand portfolio to maximise clarity, consistency, and impact across all your products and services.
  • Brand collateral: Design and produce high-quality brand collateral that reinforce your message and values, including websites, whitepapers, marketing materials, stationary and everything in-between.

Is your brand in need of a refresh? We offer comprehensive rebranding services, from subtle updates to complete overhauls. Our rebranding strategies are designed to revitalise your brand and position you for continued success.

Our rebranding services include:

  • Brand audit and assessment: Thoroughly analyse your current brand’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to identify areas for improvement and inform your rebranding strategy.
  • Repositioning: Develop a comprehensive plan to reposition your brand in the market, aligning it with your evolving business goals and target audience.
  • Visual identity refresh: Update your logo, colour palette, typography, and other visual elements to create a fresh look that resonates with your customers.
  • Messaging overhaul: Refine your brand messaging, including taglines, slogans, and key value propositions, to better reflect your new direction.
  • Brand guidelines and rollout: Create comprehensive brand guidelines and develop a strategic rollout plan to ensure a seamless transition to your new brand identity.

Ready to write a new brand story?

Get in touch below to discuss how we can help you unlock your brand’s full potential.

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