
Delivering digital infrastructure of tomorrow, today. How branded by berkeley helped nexfibre realise and launch a new brand narrative.

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Nexfibre website design

The back story

Following a referral from Digital Bridge, branded by berkeley was commissioned to develop a new brand narrative, identity, launch website and associated brand assets for nexfibre, a joint venture between Liberty Global, InfraVia and Telefónica. Working closely with their commercial partner Virgin Media O2, nexfibre is creating the only national scale fibre to the home network to compete with BT Openreach. nexfibre supports the UK Government’s ambition to tackle digital exclusion and deliver nationwide ultrafast broadband rollout by 2030.

What we did

branded by berkeley undertook research, stakeholder interviews and storytelling workshops to deliver a compelling north star narrative and positioning for the new brand – nexfibre exists to empower people and businesses with the quality connections needed for a thriving society. Open, fast, simple. Messaging, values, brand personality, and tone of voice were all developed. This along with the north star narrative provided solid direction for the design team to formulate the nexfibre visual identity.


Our design team collaborated seamlessly to craft a compelling brand identity, fusing creativity and strategic thinking to encapsulate the essence of nexfibre’s vision.
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Our thinking

At its core, the nexfibre logotype symbolises the cross-section of a fibre optic cable, with the three inner circles representing each of the joint venture companies involved, which when combined come together to promise something stronger and deliver something greater – nexfibre. The colour blue embodies the energy and drives the possibilities which power the nexfibre mission. While the choice of typeface – Kable was of course a no-brainer.

branded by berkeley Creative Director Matt Smith explains: “We wanted the visual realisation of the brand to embody significant aspects of the narrative being told, that something bigger was being strived for, that we were collectively on a mission. Additionally, it was crucial that the design solution remained true to the open, fast, simple mantra.”

What we delivered

To support nexfibre’s relationships with its partner companies, branded by berkeley created a robust brand architecture. This structure was used to underpin both messaging and the visual alignments between the organisations. This along with detailed design guidance, collateral and messaging assets were brought together in a comprehensive brand book. And as part of a dedicated launch programme, branded by berkeley designed and developed a website which became the focus of media attention during that period.

The story continues

branded by berkeley continues to work with nexfibre, helping to develop internal assets and digital communications.

C Suite Executive


Our goal was to capture the essence of our brand and translate it into a visually compelling representation. Throughout the process, we worked closely with the branded by berkeley team and they understood our vision, values, and unique selling points. By combining our ambition with their creative and insights, we were able to develop a distinctive and impactful logo that perfectly aligns with our brand identity.